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Real estate development is one of the fastest-growing industries in Bangladesh. Along with economic progress, urbanization is now a call to action. A.M Group stepped into this sector in 2011 with the establishment of ‘Alpha Holding Ltd’. The aim was ambitious, but the vision was sharp and focused, as a result Alpha team got a huge appreciation after finishing their first project in Mohakhali DOHS— its’ master drawing and construction both got-architectural beauty. 


A.M group always focuses on fulfilling people’s needs. For this reason, Alpha Holdings Ltd. always focuses on developing luxurious commercial and residential spaces in Dhaka city in prime areas. Cordial Customer Service, professional dealing and commitment, these three qualities made ‘Alpha Holdings Ltd.’ the best choice among the crowd.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.